It all began in 2006 when Cindy Feltner, a Miami Valley Hospital nurse, began filling her locker at work with thermal underwear, socks, hats, gloves and scarfs. As a night shift worker, she’d realized that some patients were unprepared for cold weather, especially in the bitter winter months.
After a year of filling her locker with cold weather items and giving them away to needy patients, several co-workers began to bring clothing and accessories as well. When they ran out of room, the nurses realized they needed more space and requested a closet to store the goods. In 2007, the first official closet was secured and the idea took off. Nurse Uniform

The initiative ultimately became a popular Emergency Department unit project. One closet turned into three, all scattered throughout the emergency room area. As a unit, the decision was ultimately made to name the closet after the nurse whose vision led to such a critical program and it became, “Cindy’s Closet.”
Liz Denlinger, MVH emergency nursing director, says some of the people receiving clothing from “Cindy’s Closet” are trauma patients who arrive with damaged clothing and need something to wear home from the hospital. They may be victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and victims of crime. “We also have clothing for families who have been involved in a fire, and many times, arrive in the ER with just a gown or night clothing,” Denlinger said.
“They can be given full attire, including shoes to wear out of the ER. Additionally, there’s a demand for baby diapers as some patients arrive without essential items for their babies.”
Cindy’s Closet now serves as a valuable resource for patients in need of replacement clothing post-treatment. The program has evolved into a significant repository of donated clothing from both the community and Miami Valley Hospital employees. Denlinger says contributions are appreciated, highly valued and put to use across the three Miami Valley Hospital campuses.
“All people need acts of kindness regardless of their economic status, place in the community, or walk of life,” says Denlinger. “This is a small gesture that says we care in times of need.”
Donations can be dropped off at the security desk in the Emergency Department at any of the Miami Valley Hospital campuses.
If you wish to receive a receipt for your donation, kindly attach your contact information to the donated items. For any inquiries, please call 937-208-3516.

Medical Scrubs For Doctors Meredith Moss writes about Dayton-area nonprofit organizations and their specific needs. If your group has a wish list it would like to share with our readers, contact Meredith: Please include a daytime phone number and a photo that reflects your group’s mission.