Simone Legno (simonelegno) / Instagram (Left), Simone Legno / Vatican Media (Right)
CV NEWS FEED // The Vatican has employed an artist known for designing art for gay pride events and sex toys to design the mascot for the 2025 Holy Year Jubilee. Sex With Sex Toys

The Vatican recently unveiled “Luce” as the official mascot for Jubilee 2025, designed by Simone Legno, the Italian artist behind the popular Tokidoki brand, according to the Daily Compass.
Legno’s involvement has sparked controversy due to his connections with merchandise tied to gay pride events and a line of adult-themed sexual products. Critics have questioned whether the Vatican’s Dicastery for Evangelization, headed by Archbishop Rino Fisichella, the organizer of the Jubilee, was aware of Legno’s background and the associations his work brings.
The mascot “Luce,” presented during a press conference by Archbishop Fisichella, is described as a “pilgrim” figure, complete with a yellow raincoat, boots, a pilgrim’s staff, and a missionary cross. The Archbishop praised Luce for her connection to “pop culture, so loved by our young people,” and emphasized the mascot’s “luminous eyes” as a symbol of hope.
However, the Daily Compass reported, as news of the artist’s background spread, reactions to the mascot took a critical turn. Observers noted that the character bears a resemblance to Greta Thunberg, adding to the scrutiny around Legno’s selection.
Legno, widely recognized in the world of pop art, is known for collaborations with major brands, including Marvel, Hello Kitty, and the Guggenheim Museum. However, his portfolio also includes products for gay pride, such as rainbow-themed characters and a line of “pride unicorn” merchandise.
Additionally, Tokidoki partnered with Lovehoney, a brand specializing in adult sexual products, to create vibrantly packaged sex toys featuring Tokidoki characters. Critics have expressed dismay that Legno, with a portfolio containing imagery discordant with Catholic morals, was chosen to create a mascot for the Catholic Holy Year Jubilee.
Despite the controversies, Legno expressed pride in his collaboration with the Vatican, sharing his excitement on social media. Yet, questions remain regarding the Vatican’s decision to work with a designer whose creations span themes that diverge sharply from the Church’s morals and traditional sacred art.
Critics have suggested that the Vatican’s choice reflects a shift toward commercial considerations. The Daily Compass noted that the “Luce” mascot and related merchandise are expected to generate significant revenue from Jubilee-related sales.

Honey Sex Toys For many Catholics, the involvement of an artist with a background in both secular and adult-themed merchandising stands at odds with the spiritual message of the 2025 Jubilee, which is focused on faith, forgiveness, and pilgrimage.